
We surveyed dozens of leaders from various fields (business, medicine, military, and government) and asked them for their successful leadership tips. We narrowed down, organized, and categorized these suggestions into the top eight tips. We then asked our leaders for their illustrative anecdotes, which are included in the self-paced title 8 Leadership Tips from Real Leaders. Now you can get practical advice directly from people who know how to lead successfully!

Audience Profile

This course is designed for individuals who are leaders in the workplace or manage a team on any level.

This book provides you with a set of the most important leadership actions you can take in your career:
• Reflect integrity in many ways, on numerous levels.
• Demonstrate respect, individually and collectively.
• Accept responsibility and help others be accountable.
• Define the mission and use it to inspire.
• Listen both literally and empathically.
• Seek to improve communications.
• Demonstrate and share your passion for the work.
• Recognize teams and team members as you deflect attention from yourself.

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